Entering into Jerusalem

"Matthew21-8":Entering into Jerusalem:
Jesus came to Jerusalem expecting to be killed. He deemed the shrine crowding with the fest of Passovera as a symbol of corruption so he forced merchants out from the shrine and further blamed Law Experts and/or Pharisees. Eventually he was caught and brought to trial.

"Matthew21-12":Jesus at the temple:

Jesus kicked merchants and money changers out from the holy temle.


1. At the Last Supper, which was held one day before Crucifixion of Jesus, the betrayal of Judah was noticed.
"Luke22-7~38":Last Supper

2. After the Last supper, Jesus noticed Peter's alienation telling to Peter "You would say three times before the rooter crows that you do not know Jesus".

"Matthew26-75":Jesus noticed the Peter's alienation.

3.Jesus went out to the Mount. Olives and prayed, but his diciples including Peter fell in sleep at the foot of Mount. Olives.
"Luke22-39~46:Jesus on the Mt. Olives

4. Udah told Pursuers "Jesus is the one who Udah kisses". Jesus was caught by Roman soldiers.
Then as Simon Peter beared a sword, he cut a right ear of man under the Archbishop,but Jesus asked Peter not to resist.
"Matthew26-47":Udah's kiss

"Matthew26-64~66":Jesus in Sanhedrin:Jesus replied to Caiaphas the high priest, " I will be a God's son soon."

5. Roman Governor Pilate turned Jesus in King Herod, who beheaded John the Baptist. King Herod decided to kill Jesus and sent Jesus back to Pilate. (Only Roman Governor is enpowered to make a decision for the death penalty.
"Luke23-9":Meeting with King Herod

6. Pilate wanted Jesus to be alive but people and Pharisees wanted Jesus to be killed so Pilate decided Jesus to be crucified. Pilate washed his hands convincing himself with thinking that he has no relation with Jesus crucification. Jesus was forced to wear a crown of thorns and soldiers ridiclued Jesus "Cheers! the King of Israeli."
"Matthew27-24":Questioning by Pilate

"Mark15,16":Humiliation by soldiers

7. Udah knew that Jesus had been crucified and he was so regretted that he tried to return 30 denarius coins he received as reward for the betrayal to a chief priest, which was refused. Udah was driven to despair and sucided by hanging.

"Matthew 27-5":Death of Judah:The scenes of Udah's throwing denalius coins back and hunging himself are depicted in one picture.


"John19-26":Carrying the Cross to Hill of Golgotha
"John19-26~27":Jesus crucified
"John19-38":Descent from the Cross
"John19-39" :Jesus buried

Ressurection and Ascension

1. Jesus was buried in the tomb. After the Sabbath, Mary went to the tomb together with other women. The stone that closed the grave was removed and the Jesus body was disappeared and the angel was sitting down on the coffin and told "Jesus came to life and went to Galilee".

"Mark16":Jesus Resurrection
"Matthew28-4":Jesus Resurrection
"Matthew28-5":Angel told Jesus has resurrected.

2. Mary Magdalene told other diciples about Jesus Resurrection and they went to Galilee. On the other hand resurrected Jesus appeared at the road to Emario.
"John20-14~17":Jesus resurrected and appeared to Mary Madalene

Two Diciples did not notice about Jesus and they stayed at the inn together. When Jesus cut bread for diciples, they found out it is Jesus, but by that time, Jesus disappeared already.

3. Jesus appeared to diciples and a diciple Thomas who was not there did not believe about Jesus Resurrection. However, Jesus appeared to Thomas, and Jesus made Thomas touch the wound resulting from the nail hit on the Cross and the wound of flank speared by a Roman soldier. Finally Thomas believed about Jesus Resurrection.
"John20-27":Doubting Thomas

4. Diciples went to fishing at Galilee after hearing from Mary Magdalene's words. They saw Jesus standing at the shore. Next morning, Jesus asked Peter and other diciples to extend Jesus Teaching while having breakfast. Thereafter Jesus asended to Heaven.

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