"Exodus" and "Numbers" describe about events which had happened when Moses who was born in Egypt took the Israelities living in Egypt to Canaan. Moses is often drawn with having animal horns on his head. The reason is that when a Hebrew bible was translated to a Latin bible, Hebrew "light" was misinterpreted as "animal horn" because Hebrew "light" has two meanings, namely light and animal horn.
1) Birth of Moses
Pharaoh was so worried about the enlargement of Israelities in Egypt that he ordered to throw Israel new-born male babies into the Nile River. Moses was also about being killed, however his elder sister, Miriam put Moses into a reed basket so that Egyptian princess could find out Moses and he was raised at Imperial Court.
"Exodus2-1~4":Moses was put in a reed basket without being killed.
"Exodus2-5":Moses was found out at the Nile River.
2)As Moses got growing up, he could not bear with the Israelities being forced to work severly so he killed an Egyptian supervisor and escaped.
"Exodus2-12":Moses killed an Egyptian supervisor.
3)Moses lived in the Israelians community and in front of the bush that was on fire but did not burn up, he he received the revelation from the God to move to Canaan to rescue Israelities.
4)Causing Moses's "Ten Woes", Moses negotiated with Pharaoh to take the Israelties to Canaan and entered into agreement. The tenth woe was to kill a first born baby of Egyptian, which is related with the origin of "Passover".
"Exodus7-8":Aaron's staff becomes a snake:Following the order from the God, Moses and his elder brother Aaron asked Phraoh to release Israelities from Egypt.
Moses performed the miracle to change Aaron's cane to a snake. However, Pharaoh refused Moses's request as Pharaoh's magigician turned did the same thing.
"Exodus12":Killing a first-child of Egyptian:The God ordered to paint the blood of a lamb on lintel of a house and also to eat bread with no yeast.
At night every first-child of Egyptian house with no lamb's blood painted was killed by the God. This is the origin of Passover of the Israelities.
Phraoh realized Moses was helped by the God and permitted the Israelities to move to Canaan.
5)Pharaoh breached the agreement with Moses and his army chased Moses and the Israelians. As Moses prayed for the God facing the Red Sea, the sea was divided into two parts so they were able to walk on a dry land to the opposite shore safely. Egyptian army followed but they were swallowed in the sea wave and destroyed.
"Exodus14":Crossing the Red Sea
6)Moses and the Israelians were faced to a lot of difficulties as the way to Canaan was very far away and rough. They were able to overcome difficulties with being given manna, which is alike bread, by the God. Also they were very thirsty and Moses hit the Rock with his stick then water flew out the Rock.
"Exodus16":Manna and Quail
"Exodus 17":Water from the Rock
7)In three months after exiting from Egypt, Moses and the Israelians reached at Mt.Sinai. Moses confined himself at Mt.Sinai for praying and contracted "Ten Commandaments" with the God.
"Exodus19":Revelations at Mt.Sinai
"Exodus20":Moses was given "Ten Commandaments".
8)As Moses stayed in Mt.Sinai long time, the Israelities became anxious so they built the statue of golden calf and worshiped it.
"Exodus32":Warship of golden calf
9)Moses angered looking at peple worshiping the golden calf and threw out the Tablet of Ten Commandaments. He killed all peple who worshipped the golden calf. He returned back to Mt.Sinai again and asked for the forgiveness to the God, then he received the new Tablet of Ten Commandaments.
"Exodus32-10":Moses destroyed Tablets of Ten Commandaments with anger
"Numbers" tells about the story going into Canaan after exiting Egypt.
1)The following issues are described:tribes to enhance the cooperations to Moses, census based on farthers' housing, how to camp and march and its role, purifications, Nazirite's duties, an offering, Passover etc.
"Number12":Rebellion of Mirium and Aron:Mose's elder sister Mirium and elder brother Aron blamed Moses because Moses married
with non-Israel woman but Moses made no excuse. Instead the God told them that the God selected Moses as Prophet as he is very loyal to the God.
And the God punished Mirium and Aron. Mirium suffered from the serious skin diseases.
"Numbers13":Spying Canaan:Moses sent 12 people to spy Canaan, and turned out Canaan is very rich land.
"Numbers20":Moses took water out from a rock:On the way to Canaan, people suffered from the shortage of water. The God told Moses that "if you tap a rock with a stick,
water will come out."
"Numbers21":Moses and bronz snake:As Israelities went against the God due to too much difficulties on the way to Canaan, the God sent a firing snake into the people.
Many people were bited to death. Moses prayed for peple. Following the direction from the God, Moses made a bronz snake and hung it on the cross. Once people looked
up the cross, the dead people were resurrected.
2)The Israeilities fought against the Natives in Canaan and arrived at the River Jordan.
"Numbers22":Balaam, a fortune-teller, was asked by Barack, a king of Moab, to put a curse on Israelities. However this was against the God's will. Accordingly
although Balaam tried to meet Barack, Balaam's donkey did not go ahead as a donkey saw an angel.
"Numbers24":God showed Moses the boundary of Canaan where was promised to be given to Israelities.
3)Just before entering Canaan Moses passed away and Joshua succeeded.
GenesisIsrael Kingdom1
Israel Kingdom2
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